We are seeking partners with studios, edit suites, screening rooms, production offices, cycs, podcast rooms, green screens, stages and more! If you or your friends have a production space that is sitting unused periodically, then list with GreenlightGO for FREE and we'll help put it to work.
Here is a taste of projects we need to place NOW:
“Premium streaming show looking for New Jersey based sound stage (15,000 Sq Ft) and production offices (10,000 Sq Ft), to start late August 2022”
“Los Angeles based production ramping up post - 2 Avid edit suites, AE stations + shared storage on LA's Westside, to start September 2022"
Offer to Partners
Unlock Cash Flow - Open your doors to a curated community of producers with greenlit projects and secured budgets.
Discreet Listings - We take your privacy seriously, won’t share costs publicly, and send you only relevant inquiries.
Everything is Taken Care Of - A white-glove level support team takes away the work. Simply sit back and enjoy the additional revenue.
How to Reach Us
Visit us at GreenlightGO.TV to submit your space to be listed.